
Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Muscle contraction

Watch the short animations on muscle contraction and answer the questions on the paper from class.

Sarcomere Contraction:

Corporis Sliding Filament Theory:
Calcium attachment Actin myosin crossbridge

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Weight work out types

You are going to lookup information about a type of weight/ workout.

Workout types: senior fitness, tabata, cross fit training, circuit training, core lifts, Olympic lifts, supersets, HIIT, LISS, coordination & agility training, yoga & Pilates, body resistance exercises

 Please consider the following while researching:
(ignore #6-8 right now)
  1. What are you researching?  If HIIT - what does HIIT stand for?
  2. What is the workout?
  3. Who do you think this workout is geared towards? age, gender, fitness level
  4. What is the purpose of the workout?
  5. Give an example of a sample workout.  
  6. Include a video that you find helpful about this type of workout/weights.  Why do you think this video would be helpful?
  7. Cite all your sources used.  Copy and paste of the website is fine.
  8. Would this be a beneficial workout program for you?  Explain

Why is it important for seniors to exercise?  Go to the following website:

1. Why is it important for seniors to exercise?  benefits?
2. What did you learn?
What would be good exercise programs for seniors to do?  You need to include two programs and an explanation of why the program would be beneficial to do.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Home field Advantage

 Home Field Advantage:  Do you think it exists? This slide share contains some information we talked about in class from:  Sports Illustrated, Jan. 17, 2011 “What’s Really Behind Home Field Advantage?” by Tobias J. Moskowitz and L. Jon Wertheim After discussion, reading and looking at the slide share, what is your opinion of home field advantage?  Does it exist? Does it depend on the sport? Do you think there is a certain conference in which fans are louder or more intense? Does the shape and size of the stadium matter? What about NCAA March Madness?   Do you think the neutral sites help in 12 vs 5 winning percentage? Does the proximity of a site to the school make a difference?  Is there more data or concepts that should be looked at?  Is there any data piece that is surprising to you? You must support you reasoning with two ideas from the slide share.  Please post your comments to the class discussion post.

5 vs 12 History Bleacher Report 3/14/23: