
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

BPM and workouts

Research has shown that if an individual listens to music while working out that the rate or perceived exertion (RPE) will be less and work rate will go up.  The research is based on using bpm's of the music to match up with stride length or cycling pattern.  

Read the following articles: 

Here are the recommendations for bpm's need for certain activities:
warm-up, cool-down and stretching- 90-120 bpm
low intensity cardio - 120's
medium intensity cardio - 130's
high intensity cardio - 140' and above
strength training - 110-130's
power walking:  137-139
running- 147-169
cycling - 135-170

If you pump up your bpm just 1-4 bpm's you can increase your workout rate without feeling like you are working harder.

Create your own playlist tailored to you and what you do to workout.

websites to try:  jogtunes, clickmix, podrunner, bpmdatabase,songbpm.,  djbpmstudio, mix meister, bpm widget,,,
You can also search in google - song title + bpm
If you find a better website please add to the blog in the comments section for others to use.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Personality and Sport

Does personality play a roll in the sports you play?

Different tests for personality. Please use to answer the questions on your lab report. 

Eysneck Personality Questionnaire test -

Global 5:

16 personalities:

Monday, February 3, 2025

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Muscle contraction

Watch the short animations on muscle contraction and answer the questions on the paper from class.

Sarcomere Contraction:

Corporis Sliding Filament Theory:
Calcium attachment Actin myosin crossbridge

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Weight work out types

You are going to lookup information about a type of weight/ workout.

Workout types: senior fitness, tabata, cross fit training, circuit training, core lifts, Olympic lifts, supersets, HIIT, LISS, coordination & agility training, yoga & Pilates, body resistance exercises

 Please consider the following while researching:
(ignore #6-8 right now)
  1. What are you researching?  If HIIT - what does HIIT stand for?
  2. What is the workout?
  3. Who do you think this workout is geared towards? age, gender, fitness level
  4. What is the purpose of the workout?
  5. Give an example of a sample workout.  
  6. Include a video that you find helpful about this type of workout/weights.  Why do you think this video would be helpful?
  7. Cite all your sources used.  Copy and paste of the website is fine.
  8. Would this be a beneficial workout program for you?  Explain

Why is it important for seniors to exercise?  Go to the following website:

1. Why is it important for seniors to exercise?  benefits?
2. What did you learn?
What would be good exercise programs for seniors to do?  You need to include two programs and an explanation of why the program would be beneficial to do.