1. What is a concussion? What are symptoms of a concussion? Watch this video clip of Dr. Sanjay Gupta from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyRBlSAfb_k
2. What is second impact syndrome? Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du_qiQ96ddk
3. Tough Calls - PBS student broadcasting: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/spc/multimedia/concussionstories/
High school kids handle concussions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA7aRP5BIzk
4. What do you think about concussions and sports? Is this a big deal or being blown out of proportion? Are the sports league trying to keep the stats a secret? Are concussions just part of the game? Should we be trying to find a way to minimize them? What about tackle football at grades 3-6? Are parents part of the problem? Are athletes that want to keep playing part of the problem?
Check out the concussion blog or league of denial or national geographic or NG video Cracking Down On Concussions, concussions for further information. If you use another source to support you idea please include the source. SI - LofD
Helmet ratings: https://www.playsmartplaysafe.com/resource/helmet-laboratory-testing-performance-results/
1. A concussion is an injury to the brain from violent shaking of the head. Impact forces the brain to bounce against the inside of the skull. A few symptoms of a concussion are ringing in the ears, headache, blurred vision, and dizziness.
ReplyDelete2. Second impact syndrome is when a second concussion occurs before the first concussion heals.
4. I believe that concussions are more serious than players, athletes, and even coaches want to believe. The risk of a concussion comes along with playing any sport and I think schools should do a better job at educating athletes and their parents of the dangers of concussions. Athletes hear the word concussion and automatically think “I can’t tell coach because I want to play.” During times such as meet the team when coaches, athletes, and parents are together, videos should be played that show the dangers of concussions. Real stories of players lives affected by concussions should be shown. Hopefully, the videos would inspire athletes and their parents to take concussions more seriously and take action when any signs of a concussion are present.
I agree with what you said about how coaches, players and parents need to be more informed. I think it is a good idea to play videos or have some sort of presentation at an event like meet the team when parents, coaches, and players are all there and can all learn about the dangers of a concussion.
DeleteI agree with you Alexis, in saying that schools she educate their athletes more. And I especially agree with you about the meet the team. If you show what could really happen to them, and the life that they could live, I feel like it would greatly impact the athletes, parents, and coaches.
DeleteIt is now mandatory that coaches go through a concussion protocol training/certification every year. However I think the training could be better. This is why it is important to have an athletic trainer on site.
DeleteI agree with Alexis, on how concussions are more serious than anybody wants to believe. I like your thought on how videos and real life stories of players should be shown at meet the team of any sport. Showing the videos would give everyone a realistic glimpse of how harmful concussions can be and how we should be more focused on this issue
Delete1. A concussion is an injury to the brain from violent shaking of the head. Sme symptoms of a concussion are dizziness, memory loss, light headed, ringing in ears, blurry vision, possibility of passing out/ throwing up.
ReplyDelete2. Second impact syndrome is when a second concussion occurs before the first concussion has healed. This syndrome can be fatal.
4. I think concussions in sports is a major issue. I don’t think that all the awareness or recognition of concussions is being blown out of proportion. I believe this because concussions can be so small and barely noticeable, yet can be fatal if left untreated. I feel like many more concussions happen in the sport of football than any other sport because of all the contact. I also feel that not many concussions are documented to relieve people from stressing over the possibility of a concussion happening to them. In order to prevent multiple concussions in sports, I believe the rules of the game should change. Sports are constantly evolving and there are always new ways and new techniques to improve your game. I think the game of football especially should be given an update in the rules and how it is played to decrease the number of concussions in athletes. As for kids playing football, I think they should only play flag football until junior high and once they get to junior high, they should be taught a new way to play to reduce the risk of a concussion. If the game of football were to be changed in the way it is played, the number of concussions would decrease dramatically.
I agree with you when you say how kids should only play flag football until junior high, because most little kids don't listen to the rules anyways and they could be putting themselves and others in danger of concussions when being able to tackle. Also because their brains are still developing.
DeleteI agree with you on how greater precautions should be taken with sports, especially with football. On the other hand though, sometimes it is hard to come to a complete stop or move out of the way when you are going at full speed.
DeleteI agree that I think little kids should not be in helmets until junior high. Third grade just seems to young.
Delete1.) A concussion is the rapid whip lash motion of the brain that bruises the brain tissue. Symptoms of a concussion is dizziness,fatigue, dilated pupils etc.
ReplyDelete2.) second impact syndrome is when you get a concussion and go back out on the field and get another one before the first concussion can heal itself. You can have fatal consequences and or serious other injuries.
4.) I think that this is not being out of proportion and teams need to take all the precautions to help prevent concussions. They do need to start teaching kids at a younger age how to properly take other players so they can minimize concussions.
I agree that we should start teaching kids at a younger age about how to minimize concussions.
DeleteI also agree with both of you guys. Things and habits stick with kids when they are younger, so if you teach them right form wrong at a young age, hopefully it wouldn't be as big of a problem.
DeleteA concussion is an injury to the brain from trauma. Some symptoms are blurry vision, delayed reactions, memory loss, and balance issues.
ReplyDeleteSecond impact symptome is when you get another concussion when the first concussion you got is not completely healed.
I think it is a big deal in sports. I don't believe it is blown out of proportion because it can affect you long term. It can alter the way that you have to live your life and that is not something that should be taken lightly. I think a lot of coaches don't pay enough attention to it. I also think players do not understand the real dangers that a concussion could bring into your life. So then they don't tell their coaches or parents because they want to stay in the game. So players are also a big part of the problem in the matter that concussions may go unnoticed and the second impact syndrome is a problem. I don't think that you should change the way the games are played entirely but I do believe that some rules and regulations should be put into place to protect players. It would be for the players own good.
I agree with you on how coaches don't pay enough attention to the symptoms and the hits the players go through because the coaches want their star athletes to be out on the court or field, but don't realize how much is at risk.
DeleteI totally agree with you on how concussions can effect people long term. one rule you could add is having a trainer or doctor at all games weather it be the other teams or your teams trainer they need to be there.
DeleteI agree that the players need to take as much responsibility as the coaches. If your possibly have an injury you need to come out and get checked on. Parents also need to take initiative to protect their kids.
DeleteI agree that concussion should not be taken lightly like a bruise or some minor injury and should be treated seriously like it's a broken bone.
DeleteI completely agree with what you said about coaches and players not paying enough attention to it. Most players don't want to be forced out of the game and therefore push through and play through the pain. Since most athletes are willing to do this coaches don't believe anything is wrong and continue to let them play. This can become a huge issue as something could be wrong internally.
DeleteI think the danger of concussions is real and the are problems that need to be solved however, I do also believe it is blown out of proportion in many cases. There are many stories about the brain damage that is done to NFL players and the CTE that is found in their brain. I have seen stories about cases where former NFL players are severely affected by the effects of brain damage. The problems are scary and they are horrible things for a person to have to go through however, I feel these stories do not apply to the general population, especially high school football players. High school football players are not exposed to the same impacts that NFL players are. The average football player in high school does not go on to play in college, or have a 15 year professional career in the NFL. The amount of hitting time in high school football is also controlled so that they are only hitting around 6 hours a week. NFL players’ 9-5 job is to practice football. Their career is focused on getting better at football and hitting. They are exposed to many more hours of hitting for a much longer period of time than a high school athletes 4 years in high school. I do not believe it is realistic to compare someone who’s 10-15 year job career is to hit and tackle people, to a student-athlete who only hits for a few hours a week.
ReplyDeleteHunter I do agree with you but when you talked about how high school football is limited to 5-6 hours of hitting a week. But how many coaches actually follow those rules and if they talk it seriously.
DeleteA concussion is a injury to the brain from a violent shaking of the head. Symptoms of one are dizziness, dilated pupils, light headed, blurred vision, and delayed reactions plus more.
ReplyDeleteSecond impact syndrome is when you get a concussion before the first one is completely healed.
I think concussions have a big connection with sports, there are so many types of situations where athletes can get a concussion. Concussions are a big deal and should not be taken lightly because they can do serious damage or may even cause death. I don’t think they are keeping it a secret, but I think coaches and players don’t pay enough attention to the symptoms as they should. I think concussions are a factor in the game, but is not all what football is about. They are and should be finding ways to minimize concussions by making it mandatory to go through a procedure every week to tell if you have one or not. In grades 3-6 I think there should be more rules on tackling because this is the time period where the brain is developing the most during the kids years. I don’t think parents are part of the problem because nowadays parents tend to baby their kids and notice every little thing so if anything they are helping. Yes, but I think these athletes just don’t understand how serious concussions are because they are so common each school should go through a hour concussion class so people understand how much that one game can impact your whole life.
I agree with you that coaches and players don't pay enough attention to the symptoms of concussions. I also agree with putting rules into the younger generations of the sport.
Delete-A concussion is the rapid shaking of your brain, and the brain hitting up against your skull, cause damage to the brain. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, nausea, hollow hearing, delusional, dilated pupils, and possibly blackouts.
ReplyDelete-Second impact syndrome is damage cause after a second bad impact concussion before the first one heals. Teenage brains are more susceptible because they are still making connections.
- I think concussions are a very serious thing. I don’t understand why it took players and coaches and parents so long to realize that. Who cares if it costs you some money, if your players get concussions, they can’t play anyway! And not only that, but if you make them play, they could become very forgetful costing them plays anyway. I could see why teams would want to keep this secret, just because of the whole money thing again. Or they could get a bad rep. Concussions can be a big part of the game, especially in football. BUT we should do everything that we can to limit the risk of concussions no matter what the cost. Parents can definitely be part of the problem. Some parents hear the word concussion and it goes in one ear and out the other. All they want to do is have their id play, and that also gets pounded into the players head. I definitely feel that parents should be more educated on the subject of concussions, and if the trainer or doctor say to sit it out. Then that's what you do.
I strongly agree that parents can be a big part of the problem. Many parents pay an athletic fee and want their kids to play no matter what because they paid for it. Education on concussions could show parents that the safety of their child's brain is more important than the money they paid.
DeleteI agree with spending money to keep people safe. I don't think that should be something to think about, I think it should be a priority. I also agree that parents could be a part of the problem with wanting to keep their kids on the field whenever possible. Also they could be a little bit cheaper on the equipment side of things. I agree that parents should be more educated on the subject. But not just parents EVERYONE should become more educated on the topic.
DeleteI agree with the money situation. If you get injured or not it will still effect the team. It should be taken more seriously because of the impacts that the concussion can have on you just because of bad equipment.
Deletei agree with Courtney because parents aren't really educated on this kind of stuff. So if the player hears that they have a concussion, they just brush it off to the side and continue going with the game. But that isn't what they should be doing.
Deletei agree with you because i believe parents are a big part as well. no parent wants to pay for there child to be sitting the sideline so they would rather encourage the player to get out there
DeleteI agree that concussions should be taken very seriously and if the do have a signs of a concussion that should be taken out of the game immediately.
DeleteI agree with Courtney that staying safe from the brain damage is worth the money to individuals, as well as schools and teams. I believe that having trained staff and athletic trainers is very important and is definitely worth the money for the safety of the student athletes. Unfortunately, like it said in the video, it is not a money problem in many cases, it's just not a priority.
DeleteI believe that concussions are a big deal. I think that they should try and find a way to minimize them so there aren’t as many occuring. Another one of the issues is that they aren’t being tested well enough. Lots of players get concussions and continue to play. This is when it becomes dangerous because you can get seriously injured if you play with a concussion that hasn’t healed yet. I think that teams should take serious precautions to testing their players for concussions. Concussions are part of sports and there is no way to fully prevent them from happening but we can help to reduce the risk of injury.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAlso I agree that there should be more precautions taken so less injuries happen.
DeleteA concussion occurs when your brain is violently moved rapidly and it bangs the skull and damages the brain temporarily. Symptoms can be persistent or severe blackout, fatigue, or poor balance amnesia, disorientation, or mental confusion sleep disturbances or sleepiness, nausea or vomiting. Second impact syndrome is when you get a concussion and then before your first concussion has healed, you get another concussion which can lead to permanent damage or even death. I believe concussions are incredibly important to talk about in sports. Everyone should know about the risks that can happen in everyday life and how to protect themselves. Also, knowing the symptoms are important for either yourself or someone you care about.
ReplyDeleteI agree that recognizing the symptoms of concussion is huge because many people don't know what to look for.That is when bigger problems happen, like second impact syndrome.
Delete1.) A concussion is an injury to the brain from a violent shaking of the head. Some symptoms of a concussion are: dizziness, headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, and in some cases unconsciousness.
ReplyDelete2.) Second Impact Syndrome is a second concussion occurs before the first concussion heals.
4.) I think that concussions are dangerous especially in sports because of the impacts it can bring into your life. Concussions in my opinion are a big deal, they can pull you out of both your athletic and your academic life. Sports leagues shouldn’t keep their stats a secret because those stats can help determine whether something should be done to prevent these injuries from happening. Concussions are apart of the game, they can happen at any time and at any degree. Once you have one it will take time to heal. The research for concussions are good but I believe there should be more done so we can get a better understanding of to why they keep happening even with many things to prevent them. I think at a young age tackle football should be more protective because more accidents can occur and their brains are just starting to develop in those early years of school. The parents nor the kids are the problem, it’s the way that the impact on the head occurs. Helmets and equipment should be more protective around the brain.
I really agree with taking more stats and doing more research into concussions. Taking this data and using it to make new helmets can help protect people who enjoy playing the sports.
Deletei agree with bri because she explains that at any time, you could get injured. And depending on what degree the concussion is,it will take longer to heal.I 100% agree with the fact that she explains that at a young age, they should have good equipment for those kids.
DeleteI agree that we need to take more steps with preventing concussions. They do need to do more research because there are so many concussions that are happening and we should be working on reducing that number on concussions.
Delete-A concussion is an injury to the brain from a violent shaking at the head. The impact forces causes the brain to bounce against the inside of the skull, back and forth.
ReplyDelete-The second impact syndrome happens when you get a 2nd concussion before the first one actually heals. Teenage brains are more susceptible to injury, which is why you shouldn’t hide your symptoms if you have gotten hit.
4.) I think that researchers should do more in-depth research on concussions and find more ways to prevent it better. I think that sport aren’t necessarily trying to keep the stats a secret but try and make them not look as bad or sugar coat it. In sports we know that it is not easy to react that fast and come to a complete stop or move out of the way to avoid a tough hit or initiating it. So saying that, we should be finding other ways to minimize concussions from contact sports or events because you can’t quite control non-contact concussions. Also, even though athletes don’t want to leave the playing field, they need to see how dangerous it is to hide their symptoms and see how that puts them at higher risks for worse problems in the future. I don’t think parents are not the problem unless they push you to play even if the doctors say you should sit out or if you have shown signs of symptoms.
I agree that there should be more in depth research. But over the past years I think the research has gotten so much better over the years. Also, I do think the they try and sugar coat it, but the one thing they can't sugar coat are the statistics. I would like to see the number of concussions go down.
ReplyDeleteA concussion is an injury to the brain from a violent hit/ shaking of the head.A second impact syndrome is when a 2nd concussion happens before the 1st one heals again. What I think about concussions is that it’s very important to us. You can really injure yourself in a concussion, and it can cause severe damage.I definitely think that it is also a part of the game, and you wanted to play the game. So I would say take the risks, but be very careful with your head. I think that we should be trying to find a way to try and minimize the concussions that keep happening, and tackling football from grades 3-6 shouldn’t be allowed unless if they have really good equipment. I only say that because although they are little kids, the child’s brain and body is still growing. So if you damage the brain, it may end up to something serious like nerve and muscle damage. I also think that kids that want to keep playing are a problem, only because why would you want to continue to risk yourself if you’re injured? So that way you can continue with the game until the very end? it's really risky to keep injuring yourself even more.
I think that a concussion is a huge risk to take with your sport. You can not prevent all concussions, but I think that we should at least try to reduce the number of concussions that happen. In kids, their body is still growing so a concussion can really mess with their body. Teenagers also think that they are invincible and that they will never get hurt. When they do end up getting hurt, they just want to keep playing their game. I think that they should be educated on what dangers they can put their body in and they need to take a break when they do get injured.
DeleteI agree with minimizing the concussions and the way kids are playing. The future damage that will result from a concussion at such a young age can be extremely dangerous. Prevention should be taken more seriously with young kids.
DeleteKade Carnicom
ReplyDeleteA concussion is what happens to the brain when a violent shaking or hit happens to your head. Symptoms of one are sensitivity to light , dizness, pass out, throw up,and memory loss.
Second impact syndrome is when you get a concussion but then get hit again and get another concussion without letting the first one healing.
I think that concussion are a big problem in sports, but it is part of the game and when you play you know you're exposed to the risk. I think finding a way to minimize the risk of getting a concussion should be a priority for sports, also having a trainer to identify if you have a concussion is big to, one of the videos even said 58% of the high schools don’t have trainers.
I do believe that concussions are part of the sport and when you play you are taking a risk of getting injured but also we can help find ways as to how we can minimize the amount of concussions happening.
DeleteI think that concussions in all sports need to be monitored more. People think that just because concussions are most common in football that other sports cannot give you a concussion. Concussions can be caused by hard hits to the head and can occur anywhere. Almost any sport you play you have a chance to get a concussion. I think the high schools should take more time and money invested into kids safety. After big hits players should be looked at and examined by a certified trainer. Players also need to understand when they have symptoms of a concussion. That way they can take themselves out of the actions and not face anymore injuries. If their want to play is more than their want to live then there is a problem.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because i think the players should be monitored a a lot more as well.
DeleteI agree that people don't realize that concussions can happen outside of sports. I don't think people realize that is also not just in football where bad concussions can occur.
DeleteI agree that schools should take more precautions as well to the players safety. The kids safety is extremely important when it comes to sports.
DeleteA concussion is an injury to the brain from a violent shaking of the head. Some symptoms include dizziness, headache, delayed reaction, blacking out, and dilated pupils.
ReplyDeleteSecond impact syndrome is when someone gets another concussion after the first concussion has not healed.
I think that concussions in sports are very dangerous and can cause extreme damage to you body and your daily life. Concussions are definitely being pushed off to the side. Most athletes want to compete and play in their games, but when the athlete gets a concussion, they usually just blow it off. They do not know what harm t could put on their body in. I think a lot of athletes want to keep their concussion a secret so they can continue to keep playing and competing. Tackle football for grades three to six is even worse because their brain is still forming. At a young age, they could damage their brain even worse than a teenager. Parents can be big a problem with concussion. They want to see their kid succeed and play their sport. When an athlete has to sit out or go to a specialist, the parents get anxious and they want their athlete to go back to their sport without taking care of the concussion. Athletes seem to do this too. When they get a concussion, all they want to do is get back to their sport and compete. If the get a concussion and don’t tell anyone, they are putting themselves and their future at risk. Many of them do not know how much harm they are putting their bodies in.
i agree with this because she explains how much an impact can do to someone's body. and although a lot of athletes just want to brush it off and say "I want to get back up and keep going," you can't get back up and onto that field that easily. i also agree with the fact that she said the brain is still growing because technically, it doesn't stop growing until you're an adult. kids that are playing football at a young age shouldn't be playing because they can get a damaged nerve or muscle for a very long time, and maureen explains that briefly.
DeleteI think that concussions in sports is a very big deal. I think that concussions are really bad but i still believe that the players are fine as long as the right precautions are taken. I believe an athlete should take a week off once showing signs of a concussion but they should not be opted out of everything. They should be able to go to practices but with 0 contact. Overall i think players contact should be limited during practices but should still be happening to compare them.
ReplyDeleteI agree that concussions are a big deal in sports, but I believe that you should be out of the sport as long as you have the symptoms.
DeleteWhile I believe that athletes should avoid activity after a concussion, I agree that athletes should still be allowed to practice with zero contact if they wish. It's important to me that they don't lose touch with with the sport
Delete1.A concussion is a violent shaking of the brain, bouncing in the skull from a major impact. Symptoms of a concussion include: dizziness, memory loss, blurry vision, ringing in ear, blackouts, confusion and slowness.
ReplyDelete2.A second impact syndrome is when a second concussion occurs when the brain is not completely healed after the first concussion.
3.I do think concussion are very serious in sports as these players are very competitive and use such drastic measures to make the play. The sports leagues are probably exaggerating their stats so they don’t like monsters to the public that there are more concussions happening than what people think. The players themselves would lie about their experience to stay in the game and not look like an embarrassment to their team. We should find a way to minimize them for the safety of the players and to not make such moves to keep the game going. Better helmets might help but I think punishing the players for doing these head tackles would make matters worse for the league. We should not have tackle football for grades 3-6 as their brains are way more vulnerable than a teenager brain. Parents might be the problem as there are some parents that encourage them to play even if they think the concussion is not that big of a deal. Athletes that keep playing after a concussion is also a problem as well since they risk that option to get into another accident again and make their condition worse than it is.
1.A concussion is an injury to the brain from a violent shaking of the head. The impact the body takes forces the brain to hit the inside of the skull. Some symptoms of a concussion are: headaches, blurred vision, delayed reaction, hearing is bad, fatigue, can experience a blackout and loss of balance, also many more.
ReplyDelete2.Second impact syndrome occurs when a person gets diagnosed with a second concussion before a first concussion is healed.
3.After watching the videos and reading articles about concussions, I learned that concussion in sports are really serious. Concussions in sports, especially high school sports are a big deal. When talking about high school sports, teenagers brains aren't all the way developed and teenage brains are more susceptible to injury. I don't really think that sport leagues are trying to hide concussions, but they don't know the seriousness of the injury and the damage done to the brain. Which makes me think that coaches for sports should have to learn more about the facts of concussions. In reality concussions are just a part of the game but the numbers of players getting concussions are too high. I think there is ways to minimize them, one example would be don't hit people head first or hit someone helmet to helmet. In my opinion, tackle football for little kids, grades 3-6, should be really monitored. Concussions should not happen for kids that long. Also, some parents can be the problem, some parents are so caught up in the game and with winning they look past the kids health. Finally, Kids are probably the biggest problem, they never want to come out of the game and lose playing time. The kids will try and hide there symptoms from parents, trainers and coaches. In conclusion, people need to be more educated on concussions.
1. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination.
ReplyDelete2. A second concussion before the first has healed, causing worse damage.
4. Personally I think that concussions have made the world more cautious of football and the big hits that come with it. With all of the news coming out about past football greats going crazy and commiting suicide it makes people think it's not safe. If more things come out on concussions then in the future when I have kids I’ll have to think twice about letting them play football.
Justin Woodruff
ReplyDeleteI believe that concussions are a big deal and they should be taken seriously because it's not just about now its if a certain player get a lot of concussions this will eventually catch up with him/her later in life. The concussions could possibly cause CTE and signs of alzheimer's. If I had a kid 3rd-6th grade I would rather him play flag football instead of tackle football because their brains are the most vulnerable.
I agree because flag football is a lot safer due to there being no tackling and that the concussions will catch up with them later in life.
Delete1) A concussion is an injury to the brain from a violent shaking of the head. Symptoms include headaches, cloudiness, confusion, ringing in the ears, dilated pupils, amnesia, or loss of consciousness.
ReplyDelete2) Second Impact Syndrome is a 2nd concussion that occurs before the 1st concussion fully heals.
4) I feel that concussions caused through sports are a huge deal that should never be ignored. Many players, coaches, and even parents often ignore symptoms of the athletes’ concussions in hopes that they could continue playing the game. While most coaches and parents will often remove the athlete from the threat of further injury, the athletes commonly do what they can to hide their symptoms in order to continue playing because they don’t want to be taken out. What needs to be done is that athletes need to be taught early on that staying in the game when already concussed will lead to further damage. Athletes need to know why it’s wrong to stay in the game.
I believe that if you sign up to play a contact sport then you understand that there is a risk when playing. I think that it is being blown way out of proportion and that retired NFL players want more money so they decided to sue the NFL for millions. I also believe that they should continue making advancements for helmets but the players should not complain.